Make an appointment

You can make an appointment onlineexterne-link-icoon. The contact form that will appear is in Dutch.

If you prefer to make an appointment by telephone, call 14038
(between 09.00 and 17.00)
From abroad: +31 38 498 31 38

If you have made the appointment digitally, you will receive a confirmation email.

Where is the appointment?

Your appointment is always at the municipal office building (Stadskantoor), Lübeckplein 2.

Change or cancel your appointment?

There is a link in the confirmation email of your appointment. You can change or cancel your appointment via this link.


The Education Executive Agency (DUO) also has a counter in the Municipal Office on Thursday. You can make an appointment via duo.nlexterne-link-icoon (choose Zwolle Stadskantoor).